The Beginning

12/29/2011 § 6 Comments

Is it always this hard to begin a blog?… What to write.. what to say… how to introduce yourself… or perhaps I’m just more neurotic than most. Well to start my name is Kelly, and I’ve wanted to start a blog for quite a long time. The whole idea is to have somewhere to just unleash.. and ramble.. and share, and not in the “cool” facebook way, but just in a way where I’m not very concerned with who’s reading or if you’re reading… I just want to write. I enjoy it and hopefully if you’re reading this, you don’t mind it either.

Alright, the meat and potatoes… here we go. This right here.. is my resolution. As I said, I’ve wanted to start a blog for the longest time, however, another thing I’ve wanted to start for a long time is Every Monday Matters. So one, is essentially going to be my motivation for the other. If you aren’t familiar, Every Monday Matters is a sort of movement that started a few years back (when I tried and failed miserably at keeping up) that encourages you to be a better person; a better anything. The idea is simple… Monday’s suck. These are things to do that are simple and not very time consuming that help out others, or yourself, or the environment, or whatever it may be. It’s your motivation to have a better looking Monday along with inspiring some sort of change in the world. It’s a wonderful book.. go buy it if you want or check out the website. It’s written and co-founded my Matthew Emerzian and Kelly Bozza… just two ordinary people, I would assume, who had a really amazing idea to share.

I’m going to apologize right here, right now for a lot of things. Grammatical errors… yep, sometimes I get so wrapped up in my thoughts I completely ignore any form of grade school english. Venting… because sometimes I’m just cranky. And lastly; Failures… I may not get through every week, every Monday.. but I’m certainly going to try.

Best stop sign around!

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